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唐前古小说,抉异呈怪,不仅历代好之者甚众,且于小说史也大有价值,故搜求整理者代历代不乏。但考察前代的搜求整理,却总是不能尽如人意。李剑国先生的《唐前志怪小说辑释》,在借鉴《古小说钩沉》与《唐人小说》体例的基础上,进一步改进、完善,形成了独具特色的辑释体,创制出了一个古小说整理乃至古代典籍文献整理的科学体例。  相似文献   
建国前中共党人对孙中山的纪念内涵,在不同的历史时期有着显著的差别。随着时局变迁,在孙中山去世、国民革命失败以及抗日战争前后等阶段,中共党人纪念孙中山的内容和意义虽不断发生变化,但其利用不同的纪念空间,通过集体记忆的形式,一直重申自身革命的正统性并付诸于实践,从未改变过。  相似文献   
仪式作为一种社会文化现象引发了多学科的研究兴趣。在心理治疗领域,仪式的交流和变化特征使其可以成为一种治疗手段,尤其在帮助人们顺利完成生命过渡、避免心理疾病方面具有重要价值。在人们出生、成年、结婚等重要节点,仪式带给我们的心理作用不可忽略,不做处理的生命过渡会带来心理危机。仪式化的心理治疗通过意义的传递、给予心灵稳固支撑、建构自我、增强控制感、面向未来、促进联系等机制实现。  相似文献   
商品流通企业外购商品在验收入库时,可能由于自然条件或其他原因,会出现商品溢余或短缺,在对其进价进行处理的同时,也应对其增值税进项税额进行不同的会计处理.  相似文献   
为正确认识新三孩人口生育政策背景下中国产业适老化转型发展的特征,有效解决转型发展中可能存在的问题,基于第七次全国人口普查数据显示的中国老龄化趋势,依据国家统计局现行养老产业划分方式,对当前中国产业适老化转型发展问题进行研究。研究认为,中国第二、三产业的适老化发展趋势明显,但在一定程度上面临着养老产业发展不均衡、相关产业缺乏联动性和“数字鸿沟”等现实困境。研究还认为,中国产业适老化发展,需要坚持供给侧结构性改革,提高养老产业全要素生产率,优化养老资源配置,提高养老产业劳动力质量,增设养老服务相关专业和课程,挖掘“人才红利”; 需要维持或加大公共财政对养老产业的投入,通过法律法规、政策引导和鼓励民间资本投入养老产业,继续完善数字化基础设施建设,整合社会养老服务的数据资源,推动养老产业数字化发展; 需要逐步培育和壮大老年用品的市场规模,进一步改善老年群体消费环境,积极引导合理消费,提高老年人对多样化消费的主动需求,培育老龄经济新增长点。  相似文献   
中国非常法律的形成, 是为了应对紧急事件。这类法律由法律法规、应急预案和 军事法规等组成, 规定了战争状态、紧急状态和应急状态三种非常状态, 致力于建构 专业化大分工基础上的综合统一体制。在实践中, 应急预案取代了法律法规, 成为紧 急事件治理的基本规范依据; 政府和武装力量处于主导地位。中国非常法律基于必要 而形成, 其适用具有临时性, 主要内容具有授权性和预防性。非常法律未来发展的主 要目标是: 与中国特色社会主义法律体系衔接, 制定紧急状态下的基本法, 完善非常 法律的各项具体机制。

关键词: 非常状态 综合治理 执行主导 预防性法律

China’s emergency laws have emerged as a result of dealing with crises. They comprise laws and regulations, emergency plans, and military regulations, and define three exceptional or emergency states: war, emergency and emergency response, with the aim of constructing a comprehensive integrated system based on the specialized division of labor. In practice, however, emergency plans take the place of laws and regulations and provide the fundamental normative basis for tackling emergencies, with government and the military playing the dominant role. Developing out of necessity and possessing temporary applicability, China’s emergency laws are characterized by authorization and prevention. Integrating emergency law with the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, formulating basic law for emergency situations and improving the specific mechanisms of emergency law should be regarded as major steps in its future development.  相似文献   

In this article, I examine a skeptical argument against the possibility of ethically justifying risky human subject research (rHSR). That argument asserts that such research is unethical because it holds the possibility of wronging subjects who are harmed and whose consent to participate was less than fully voluntary. I conclude that the skeptical argument is not in the end sufficient to undermine the ethical foundation of rHSR because it fails to take account of the special positive duty researchers owe their clients and future patients. Although the skeptical argument is defeated, it exacts certain novel concessions from the pro‐research position. Of particular importance are the admissions (a) that researchers presumptively owe a fiduciary duty to research subjects, (b) that because the most important risks of rHSR are unknown and unquantifiable that duty must be explicitly waived by all subjects before they participate in any protocol, and (c) that such waivers must be made by individuals who satisfy objective criteria of competence for giving fully voluntary consent. The implementation of procedures responsive to these concerns might have a dampening effect on the conduct of research. However, the article concludes with a consideration of the likely benefits to researchers and society of a more cautious ethical regime.  相似文献   

Despite the high prevalence of personality disorders among substance abusing individuals, the literature on these co-occurring disorders is limited. This paper reviews the literature and provides the most current data on the demographics, the criteria for diagnosing both personality disorders and substance use disorders, and the effects of substance abuse and co-occurring personality disorders, particularly antisocial and borderline, on prognoses and treatment approaches. Recommendations for further research on these co-occurring disorders are provided.  相似文献   

The victim-response cycle is a theoretical and clinical model that can be utilized to assist victims in their healing from the trauma of sexual abuse. This model focuses on the specific aspects of the relationship that victims have with their offenders, particularly in incest cases, which contribute to the degree of trauma that victims experience. This relationship can also become the model for other relationships as the victim matures, and the victim-response cycle can be used to assist these adult survivors in understanding their difficulties with adult intimate relationships. This model addresses aspects of attachment and learned coping responses to assist clinicians in treating symptomatic behavior. While severe trauma is rarely treatable with a short-term approach, this model can assist in providing clients and clinicians with tools for symptomatic relief, which may be achievable in a short-term setting. This model has not been examined empirically, but it has been utilized in several outpatient practices in the Midwest with positive clinical results. A case example demonstrating the use of this model is also presented.  相似文献   

This 18-month follow-up study builds on the findings of a randomized experimental evaluation that found qualified support for the short-term effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) in reducing trauma symptoms among adult female survivors of childhood sexual abuse (CSA). The current study provides preliminary evidence that the therapeutic benefits of EMDR for adult female survivors of CSA can be maintained over an 18-month period. Furthermore, there is some support for the suggestion that EMDR did so more efficiently and provided a greater sense of trauma resolution than did routine individual therapy.  相似文献   
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